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Hilary Young

3 Ways To Think Differently About SEO

How does your SEO stack up?

So many people think that SEO is solely about the technical components of how a website is built, but content has a big impact on your search results. And it's not just any content; you should invest in content that is high-quality, thoughtful and useful to your readers.

Here are three ways you can start thinking differently about how to approach SEO when it comes to your small business:

Audit Your Content

Many people only think about their onsite content once, during the startup phase, and then forget all about it. But that neglect could actually be hurting your SEO efforts. Just as personal needs evolve through the years, so do customer needs and your business or brand should be able to adjust accordingly. Sometimes an audit shows that you aren't using keywords properly, sometimes it shines a spotlight on the user experience and how menu items are organized, and sometimes it reveals a lack of quality content throughout. Making the necessary changes to your onsite content can have an immediate positive impact on your site's organic rankings.

Offer Customers More Content

Whether this comes in the form of blogs, content marketing materials or social media posts (or ideally some combination of all three!), investing time and money in creating quality content that serves a purpose beyond being promotional materials, will also help boost your SEO rankings. This is the "If build it, they will come" philosophy, which is that if content answers frequently asked questions from customers, provides some sort of educational component or entertains/informs potential customers, they are more likely to engage with your brand and share your content, which will help with your rankings.

Try PR

Google changed their algorithm years ago, so they no longer reward the quantity of backlinks to your site, but now they reward the quality of them instead. PR is a great way to try and boost your organic search effort by popping up in articles on high-quality websites to help build links back to your site.

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