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Use Blogging To Grow Your Business

Hilary Young

Are you using your blog to grow your business?

There are many reasons why having a blog on your business website can be a benefit to your bottom line. The SEO implications of blogging can help you rank higher in Google searches, you can build more trust with your customers by providing them with more information, and capitalize on the additional content you're generating as a marketing tool.

But how can you maximize time time spent on blogging in order to more effectively build your business? Here are three ways to ensure that you are blogging smarter and more efficiently in order to grow your business:

Plan Ahead

As a small business owner, my first priority is my clients, so my own marketing efforts come second. If I don't plan ahead and schedule in time for blog writing, it's going to fall by the wayside. I spend time once a quarter brainstorming a list of relevant topics to write about over the coming months and then schedule them out accordingly--the same way that I would with assignments that come in from clients.

I handle a variety of services for my clients and make sure that all of my content represents a different arm of what I do. For instance, I've developed content categories to include blogging, email marketing, SEO-enabled content, social media, PR and branding, and women-owned businesses, as I coach other female business owners in addition to my content business. Think about the topics that are most relevant to your own business and build out a content strategy from there. Diversifying your topics will cover all your bases, guaranteeing that your audience will connect to something that is relevant to them.

Pay Attention To Client Needs

I have regular "aha" moments when I realize that the majority of my clients have the same questions or similar misconceptions about certain topics. When I recognize a pattern there, it's time to develop content around it. Most likely those clients aren't the only ones who would benefit from the content, and it's one of the most beneficial things you can do for your site from an SEO perspective. Part of what search engines look for is your business's ability to answer questions for customers and potential customers.

I recommend keeping a notebook handy to jot down these ideas and patterns as they come to you. And if you're more into going paperless these days, there are plenty of great apps as well that can help you keep track of your ideas in the moment.

Promote Your Content

If you also have a social media presence, blog posts provide great material for you to share across various channels. Or, they can be used for email marketing purposes, providing interesting and relevant content in addition to specific promotions you might be running each month. There is no shame in reusing or repurposing your blog content for other purposes--in fact, I highly recommend it!

It's also ideal to partner with someone else on pieces of content, because you'll have the guarantee that they will share the content on their social channels as well, enabling you to reach a much wider audience. But be careful when it comes to "guest blogging" opportunities, which can sometimes be frowned upon by Google if the venue isn't a good fit for your brand. Finding a good partner match when it comes to content is of the utmost importance in order to maintain your reputation.

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